Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Synonym,Antonym,and Hyponym

Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.23

A  Synonym
Synonym is word or phrase that is similar or has related meaning to another word, it has same meaning and they are equivalent and poecilonym.  Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being synonym is called synonym. Words can be synonymous when in meaning has certain senses, even if they are not synonymous in all of their senses.  Here are some examples:
  • Recalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn
  • Turbulent: disordered, violent
  • Valid: authorized, legitimate
  • Rich: Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, Well-to-do
  • Strong: Stable, Secure, Solid, Tough
  • Unhappy: Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable
  • Lucky: Auspicious, Fortunate
  • Positive: Optimistic, Cheerful, Starry-eyed, Sanguine
  • Bossy: Controlling, Tyrannical
  • Fair: Just, Objective, Impartial, Unbiased
  • Funny: Humorous, Comical, Hilarious, Hysterical
  • Happy: Content, Joyful, Mirthful, Upbeat

B.      Antonym
Antonym is word or phrase that has the opposite meaning of another. Connotation is commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase. Synonym and connotation are exactly the opposite. Here are some examples:
· Powerful – Weak
·  Praise – Criticism
· Private – Public
· Problem – Solution
· Professional – Amateur
·  Profit – Loss
· Quality – Inferiority
· Random – Specific
· Rigid – Flexible
· Segregate – Integrate
· Shame – Honor
· Simple - Complicated
· Single – Married
· Stiff – Flexible
· Strength – Weakness
· Sturdy – Weak
· Sunny – Cloudy
· Toward – Away
· Tragic – Comic
· Transparent - Opaque
· Triumph – Defeat
· Union – Separation
· Unique – Common
· Upset – Stabilize
· Urge – Deter
· Vacant – Occupied
· Vague – Definite
· Vertical – Horizontal
· Villain – Hero
· Visible - Invisible
· Wax - Wane
· Wealth – Poverty

C.      Hyponym
            Hyponym is relationship between a predicate or phrase sometimes longer so that the meaning of predicate is included in the other meaning. Hyponym shows the relation between the more general terms and the more specific instances of it. The term that denotes a subcategory of a more general class.  Here are some examples:
·         red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, is color, so, we can say red is hyponym of color
·         bicycle,bus,motorcycle,,is vehicle
·         sparrow, hawk, crow, fowl, isbird  
·         Roast, boil, fry, grill, bake, is cook
That’s all about them, and thanks for reading. Never forget saying Alhamdulillah.


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