is became from two words, there are poly “many” and sema “sign”. Polysemy is a
word or phrase with multiple meanings. It has association of one word with two
or more distinct meanings. So, polysemy is the phenomenon of having or being
open to several or many meanings. We can call the word as polysemous or
polysemic. A word is polysemous if it can be used to express different meanings. The
difference between the meanings can be obvious or subtle. Dalam Bahasa
Indonesia polisemi diartikan sebagai kata yang memiliki makna lebih dari satu,
misalnya kata bisa, yang memiliki arti mampu,dapat, dalam arti lain merupakan
bisa atau racun. Here are some examples of word and the meaning:
bank = bank ,in another meaning is
pinggiran sungai
bed = tempat tidur – dasar – alas –
kebun, taman
book = buku – memesan
congregation = jemaah – perkumpulan
court = pengadilan – halaman –
lapangan – istana – penerimaan tamu
head = kepala (bagian tubuh) – kepala
milk = susu – memerah susu
mole = tahi lalat – tikus
water = air – menyiram
wood = kayu – hutan
In sentence, example:
abound collection of pages
a text reproduced and distributed, in
sentence “someone who has read the same text on a computer has read the same
book as someone who had the actual paper volume”
To make an action or event a matter of
record (e.g. "Unable to book a hotel room, a man sneaked into a nearby
private residence where police arrested him and later booked him for unlawful
That’s all about Polysemy. Thank you for
reading and never forget to say Bismillah.
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