Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Major Word Formation ( Compounding and Clipping)

Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.36


                        Word Formation is the creation of a new word. Word Formation is sometimes contrasted with semantics change, which is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantics change can be difficult to define. Word Formation refers to the ways in which new words are made on the basic of other words or morphemes. Also called by derivational morphology. Word formation sudah seharusnya menjadi pembahasan yang penting terutama oleh calon guru bahasa. Hal ini dikarenakan pentingnya mengetahui makna dari suatu kata dan bagaimana kata itu terbentuk. Sebagaimana yang dikemukakan oleh L. V. Shcherba bahwa word formation itu adalah bagaimana kata-kata itu dibentuk (proses pembentukan kata) mulai dari pola kata, dari mana kata itu dibentuk , bagaimana kata dapat diciptakan ataupun sebaliknya hingga menjadi suatu kata yang mempunyai makna. 

      A.   Compounding
Compounding is the word formation process in which two or more lexemes combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen. For example:
·         noun-noun compound: note + book → notebook
·         adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry
·         verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom
·         noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed
·         verb-verb compound: stir + fry → stir-fry
·         adjective-verb compound: high + light → highlight
·         verb-preposition compound: break + up → breakup
·         preposition-verb compound: out + run → outrun
·         adjective-adjective compound: bitter + sweet → bittersweet
·         preposition-preposition compound: in + to → into

There are 3 types of written in compounding

1.                              Solid/Closed , penulisan gabungan kata tersebut menjadi satu kata, eq:Raincoat, waterfall,toothbrush
2.                              Hypenated, penulisan kata menggunakan tanda baca hyphen (-),eq: Check-in,mother-in-law,twenty-year-old.
3.                              Open/Spaced, penulisan kata terpisah dan menjadi dua kata,eq:Full moon,human rights,upper class.

Other examples:

Compound Elements
 noun + noun

 noun + verb

    noun + adverb

verb + noun

verb + adverb

adverb + noun

adjective + verb

adjective + noun

adverb + verb
water tank
printer cartridge



washing machine
driving licence
swimming pool



public speaking



B.   Clipping
Clipping occurs when the original word is reduced to one of its parts, resulting in the formation of a new word.  This process is also referred to as ‘truncation’ and ‘shortening.’  In clipping, the word is shortened but the meaning remains the same.
There are four main types of clipping.  These include back clipping, fore-clipping, middle clipping and complex clipping.  Below, please find definitions and examples of each.
  1.        Back clipping: In back clipping, the first part of the word is kept. 
Examples of back clipping:
  •          pop (popular music)
  •          fax  (facsimile)
  •          gym  (gymnasium)
  •          memo (memorandum)
  •          ad (advertisement)
  •          demo (demonstration)
  1.        Fore-clipping: In fore-clipping, the last part of the word is kept.
Examples of fore-clipping include:
  •          chute (parachute)
  •          phone (telephone)
  •          site (website)
  •          plane (airplane)
  •          copter (helicopter)
  •          burger (hamburger)
  •          bulb (light bulb)
  1.        Middle clipping:  In middle clipping, the middle of the word is kept.
Examples of middle clipping include:
  •          flu (influenza) 
  •          fridge (refrigerator)

  1.        Complex clipping: In complex clipping, part of the original compound is kept.
Examples of complex clipping include:
  •          photo-op (photo opportunity)
  •          sci-fi (science fiction)
  •          rom com (romantic comedy)
Thank you for reading. Being smart and don’t forget to saying Bismillah.

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