Morpho-Syntax is Morphology + Syntax. Both of them are
linguistics’ branches.
This is one of courses in English Department.
Morphology is???
In linguistics, morphology refers to
the mental system involved in word formation or to the branch of linguistics
that deals with words, their internal structure, and how they are formed. Morphology is the identification, analysis and
description of the structure of a given language's morphemes
and other linguistic units, such as root words, affixes, parts of
speech, intonations and stresses, or implied context. Traditionally,
morphology is divided into several types, depending on the role played in
grammar by a given formation. Or we can define that Morphology is the study of word
structure and word formation.
Morpheme is the
smallest meaningful unit of language.
Morphemes are:
1. Bound morphemes: They cannot stand alone, i.e. they are
Derivational morphemes: We change
the grammatical category or the meaning of the word. Examples: re-, de-, un-, -ness, -ly
and so on.
Inflectional morphemes: We do not
change the meaning or grammatical category of the word with these. We use them
to mark plurality, tense, agreement,
case and so on.
- Free morphemes. They can be used alone.
Lexical morphemes: They represent
the concepts of the message we wish to bring across. Examples: Ship, orange and president. They are
an open set of words in a language.
Functional morphemes: They are
functional words, like determiners, pronouns, conjunctions and so on. Examples: Whatever, because
and against.
An affix is a word element. Affixes are our workhorse morphemes,the tools we use again and
again to assemble new words. There affixes are:
Suffixes are morphemes that attach to
the end of a word. Examples: -ion
in motion and -ate in investigate. Suffixes are
written with an initial hyphen.
Prefixes attach to the beginning of a
word. Examples: re- in redo
and un- in unthinkable. Prefixes are written with a terminal
Although English
generally does not have infixes, or morphemes that go "in the middle"
of a word, other languages do. An exception in English might be -bloody-
in the following:
Q: Are you going to the concert tonight?
A: Absobloodylutely.
Infixes are
written with initial and terminal hyphens, as above.
2. What Syntax
is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, specifically word order. The term syntax is also used to refer to
the study of such principles and processes. Syntax is the way in which words are put
together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences. Syntax can thus be given the
following characterization, taken from Matthews (1982:1) the term ‘syntax’ is
from the Ancient Greek syntaxis, a
verbal noun which literally means ‘arrangement’ or ‘setting out together’.
Traditionally, it refers to the branch of grammar dealing with the ways in
which words, with or without appropriate inflections, are arranged to show
connections of meaning within the sentence. Similar to the explanation of
Matthew, Robert and Van Valin (2001) expresses the essence of itself as the
following syntax: “First and foremost, syntax deals with how sentences are
constructed, and users of human language employ a striking variety of possible
arrangements of the element in sentences”.
The syntax of a language is the set
of properties which determine the construction of sentences in that language.
If a sentence is constructed according to those properties it is well formed or
grammatical. If a sentence is constructed
in violation of those properties it is ill-formed or ungrammatical. The
study of syntax involves uncovering those properties of language which are
involved in the construction of grammatical sentence in particular languages.
(Hawkins, 2001).
we know about Morphology and Syntax.
hope you get the point.
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bermanfaatlahh :)
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