Part A
Discourse analysis is defined as
concerned with language use
beyond the boundaries of a sentence/utterance with the interrelationships
between language and society with the interactive or dialogic properties of
everyday communication.
Major Areas of Discourse Analysis:
Experts :
Laclau and Mouffe’s, their work is
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (1985).
Toni Fairclough, his work is Critical
Discourse Analysis in Transdisciplinary research (2005).
Gary Wickham, his work is Critical Discourse Analysis,
Description, Explanation, Causes: Foucault's Inspiration versus Weber's
Perspiration (2005).
a. Discourse
Discourse is defined as any
practice by which individuals imbue reality with meaning. When defined in these
terms, discourse is found in a wide range of forms. Indeed, any social practice
from a dance, ritual or a piece of music to a job contract, myth or culinary custom
can be analyzed discursively. Yet the discourse of greatest interest to
sociologists is that which takes a verbal form, be it written or spoken. The
reason for this special interest in verbal discourse is twofold: a practical
one and a theoretical one. In practice, verbal discourse is discourse that can
be accessed and examined by the analyst. Indeed, analyses of other forms of
discourse, for example visual discourse, often rest on translating the
discourse into a verbalized format by means of detailed descriptions.
b. Discursive
Discursive psychology is an approach
to social psychology that has developed a type of discourse analysis in order
to explore the ways in which people’s selves, thoughts and emotions are formed
and transformed through social interaction and to cast light on the role of
these processes in social and cultural reproduction and change. Many discursive
psychologists draw explicitly on post structuralist theory. Its
main focus is not internal psychological conditions.
Social Practice theory is a framework for social
science researchers to describe how individuals in
different societies
around the world shape and are shaped by the cultural
atmosphere in which they live. It attempts to articulate the ways in which
identity and individual agency rely on and produce cultural forms.
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