Sabtu, 23 April 2016


Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.43 0 komentar

            Simile is a figure of speech and can often be exaggerations because this is a way to capture the listener’s attention. The simile asks us to picture one thing as being similar to another often using the word like’or the word as . . . to link our pictures in the mind.  We can use simile to compare two objects using “like” or “as”. Dengan mudah kita dapat mengartikan simile adalah ibarat. penggunaan Simile dengan membandingkan sesuatu hal dengan hal yang lainnya dengan menggunakan kata penghubung atau kata pembanding. Simile is different with metaphore,caused by simile showing similiraties between two different objects. Untuk menyampaikan sesuatu,dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita sering menggunakan simile untuk dengan mudah menggambarkan sesuatu dan membuat pendengar dengan mudah memahami objek yang sedang kita jelaskan tersebut,dengan  demikian pendengar lebih yakin terhadap suatu objek tersebut.
Here are Common patterns for similes, with example sentences, are:
  • Something AS adjective AS something
    His skin was as cold as ice.
    It felt as hard as rock.
    She looked as gentle as a lamb.
  • Something LIKE something
    my love is like a red, red rose.
    These cookies taste like garbage.
    He had a temper (that was) like a volcano.
  • Something LIKE something
    He eats like a pig.
    He smokes like a chimney.
    They fought like cats and dogs.
Dari contoh diatas dapat dilihat bahwa,simile digunakan untuk mengerti kekhasan sesuatu berdasarkan gambaran dari sesuatu.

And here are other examples:
a.       as flat as a pancake → it means completely flat
b.      as sharp as a knife → very sharp
c.       as funny as a monkey → so funny
d.      as slow as a snail → very slow
e.       as brave as lions → very brave

According to all of the examples we can get the point that simile use as majas yang mempermudah kita lebih meyakini tentang makna suatu objek.

Thankyou for reading, and never forget to say Bismillah.

Jumat, 22 April 2016

Allomorph and Zero Allomorph

Diposting oleh Unknown di 09.25 2 komentar


A.    Allomorph
            Allomorph is variant form of a morpheme but it doesn’t change the meaning. Allomorph has different in pronunciation and spelling according to their condition. The condition depends on the relevant element that it attaches to. Allomorph is a variant sound of one morpheme, it has different pronunciation and spelling but is still has same meaning. Morphemes may also be defined in terms of allomorph and for this the description of allomorph is necessary. So, we can defined that allomorph is variant of morpheme and sound.  
            Allomorph in plural:
The word from which it is apparent that plural endings are   /-s/, /-z/, and /-əz/
Example: - /ez/ as in mazes, juges, and whishes
-          /-s/, as in caps, chiefs, and wicks.
-          /-z/ as in joys, bums, and liquids

Allomorph in past form:
For example, the past tense form of most English verbs is formed by adding the suffix –ed which can be pronounced as either /–t/, /–d/ or /–ǝd/:
Example: -ask + –ed = /ӕsk/
-          liv(e) + –ed =/lIv/
-          need + –ed =/nid/

We can define easily. 

                Zero Allomorph is the term given to the unit involved when a morpheme changes status from one type of morpheme to another without any addition or substraction of its parts.  Here is no change in the shape of a word though some difference in meaning is identified. It isindicated by the sign Ø.
Here are some examples:
a.       Sheep (singular) Sheep (plural), There is no addition
b.       Doctor also Doctor
c.       Driver Driver
d.       Bear Bear
e.       giraffe giraffe
f.        Fish also Fish
That’s all about Allomorph and Zero Allomorph. Thankyou for reading. Being smart with always reading and never forget to say Bismillah.

Kamis, 07 April 2016


Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.47 0 komentar


            Metaphor is a word or phrase that using as comparison two objects,ideas,thought,feeling,and they are same . It means that it will have an implied or implicit meaning. Dari beberapa pendapat mengatakan bahwa umumnya metaphore ini sulit dipahami apa sebenarnya makna yang terkandung didalamnya. Metaphor is one part of Semantics. Kata Metaphor itu sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu “Meta” dan “phere” yang artinya transfer”
        Menurut pendapat seorang ahli yang bernama Hurford, et al. pada tahun 2007 menjelaskan bahwa “ metaphors are conceptual (mental) operations reflected in human language that enable speakers to structure and construe abstract areas of knowledge and experience in more concrete experiential terms”. Menurutnya Metaphor adalah konsep yang dapat membuat pembaca memiliki kemampuan untuk member arti pada suatu objek yang tidak nyata menjadi nyata. Menurut pendapat lain oleh  Lakoff & Jhonson pada tahun 1998  bahwa “methapor is a one thing in terms of another, and its primary function is understanding”. Dapat diartikan bahwa menurtunya metaphore adalah sesuatu objek yang memiliki makna lain dan sebagai fungsi utamanya ialah memahami. Selain itu menurut ahli lain yang bernama Murai pada tahun 2006 ,ia mengatakan bahwa “Metaphor is the use of language to refer to something other than what it was originally applied to or what it ‘literally’ means, in order to suggest some resemblance or make a connection between the two things”. Menurut beliau bahwa metaphor tersebut adalah penggunaan bahasa untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang memiliki kesamaan maupunkemiripan dengan secara harfiahnya.
            Dari ketiga pendapat diatas dapat ditarik kesimpuilan lagi bahwa Metaphore merupakan penggunaan bahasa yang maknanya bisa bergantung pada bahasa maupun budaya dari yang menuturkan serta tidak dapat dengan mudah diartikan secara nyata. Here are some examples for methapor:
·         My brother was boiling mad. (This implies he was too angry).
·         The assignment was a breeze. (This implies that the assignment was not difficult.)
·         His voice is music to his ears. (This implies that her voice makes him feel happy)
Dari ketiga contoh diatas dapat dilihat bahwa penutur mengungkapkan boiling man dan memiliki arti bahwa “ia marah”, penutur menyamakan antatra air yang mendidih dengan kemarahan seseorang. begitu pula dengan contoh terakhir,penutur menyampaikan music yang indah seperti suara seseorang. That’s all about Metaphor and thanks you for reading.

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